Monday, March 29, 2010


The present structure is actually the third Augustinian church erected on the site. The first San Agustin Church was the first religious structure constructed by the Spaniards on the island of Luzon. Made of bamboo and nipa, it was completed in 1571, but destroyed by fire in December, 1574 during the attempted invasion of Manila by the forces of Limahong. A second church made of wood was constructed on the site. This was destroyed in February, 1583, in a fire that started when a candle set ablaze the drapes of the funeral bier during the interment of the Spanish Governor-General Gonzalo Ronquillo de PeƱalosa.

The Augustinians decided to rebuild the church using stone, and to construct as well an adjacent monastery. Construction began in 1586, from the design of Juan Macias. The structure was built using hewn adobe stones quarried from Meycauayan, Binangonan and San Mateo, Rizal. The work proceeded slowly due to the lack of funds and materials, as well as the relative scarcity of stone artisans The monastery was operational by 1604, and the church was formally declared as completed on January 19, 1607, and named St. Paul of Manila.[6] Macias, who had died before the completion of the church, was officially acknowledged by the Augustinians as the builder of the edifice.[1]

San Agustin Church was looted by the British forces which occupied Manila in 1762 during the Seven Years' War. It withstood major earthquakes that struck Manila in 1645, 1754, 1852, 1863, and 1880. In 1854, the church was renovated under the supervision of architect Luciano Oliver. On August 18, 1898, the church was the site where Spanish Governor-General Fermin Jaudenes prepared the terms for the surrender of Manila to the United States of America following the Spanish-American War.

During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, San Agustin Church was turned into a concentration camp for prisoners.During the final days of the Battle of Manila, hundreds of Intramuros residents and clergy were held hostage in the church by Japanese soldiers; many of the hostages would be killed during the three-week long battle. The church itself survived the bombardment of Intramuros by American and Filipino forces with only its roof destroyed, the only one of the seven churches in the walled city to remain standing. The adjacent monastery however was totally destroyed, and would be rebuilt in the 1970s as a museum under the design of architect Angel Nakpil.

churches in the Philippines

This is the story of the historical and miraculous church of Quiapo in Manila Philippines.
As a Roman Catholic i do believe that this is one of the church i do like most, not only the ambiance of this church but the different devotees that coming from different places, its is also one of the tourist spot here in Manila, We have the saying that if you are in Manila you visit this Place so you could experience the feeling that really struck you when you get in to the church.

Here are some reason why i choose this as one of my topics and right ups here in blog spot,,, and expect that a lot of churches that you will know here,,,,,

When Governor General Santiago de Vera founded the District of Quiapo on August 29, 1586, the Franciscan Missionaries built the first church of Quiapo with Bamboo and Nipa. San Pedro Bautista, a Franciscan missionary at that time was one of the founders of the Quaipo church, thus his image is located at one of the side niches of the church. San Pedro Bautista founded many churches in Metro Manila and Laguna. The famous of them all is the one at San Francisco Del Monte, the parish that is named after him and houses the Holy Cave for missionaries that went to China and Japan during those days. Unfortunately, this church was burned in 1639. Rebuilding and repairs at intervals gave the parish a stronger edifice which the earthquake of 1863 partially destroyed. Under the supervision of Fathers Eusebio de Leon and Manuel Roxas, the third church was completed in 1899, with Fr. Roxas raising PhP. 40,000.00 from contributions. In the fire of October 30, 1928, the church was left in ruins leaving its scarred walls and belfry. Dona Encarnacion Nakpil de Orense, head of the Parish Committee, raised funds for the reconstruction of the church and National Artist for Architecture Juan Nakpil was made responsible for the church's rebuilding. Miraculously, the church survived the ravages of the Second World War, despite its surrounding buildings being completely destroyed.

The Black Nazarene is a life-sized, dark-colored, wooden sculpture of Jesus Christ held to be miraculous by many Filipino devotees. Its original carver is an anonymous Mexican carpenter, and the image was transported by a galleon from Acapulco, Mexico. The image is currently enshrined in the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines where novena celebrations are held every Friday throughout the whole year. Roman Catholic tradition holds that the Black Nazarene came from a boat that caught fire, turning it from its original white into black or charred complexion. The Black Nazarene is carried into the streets for procession in a "Caroza" or carriage.

The feast of the Most Holy Black Nazarene is celebrated every 9 January while novena masses begin on the first Friday day of the year, in honor of its weekly novena mass held every Friday. During the annual public procession, only the body of the Black Nazarene is displayed in procession to the public, while the original head portion of the statue is retained in the Basilica of the Black Nazarene within the high altars of the church. The Black Nazarene is also famously noted for its devotees who walk the procession streets barefoot, without shoes or sandals as to imitate Jesus Christ on his way to Mount Calvary.


Politics –ideas and actions that are concerned with gaining power in a government.
In this coming May 2010, many politicians are running for different position in the government. We have President, Vice President, down to the local officials in the society. A lot of propaganda's is being prepared by each candidates, more enthusiastic ideas to win the vote of Filipino people and to have them elected in the position they want to. As Filipino citizens, we have the right to choose the best officials or the best candidates to sit down and serve the country.
Some of political strategies to gain the vote of people are using some banners streamers of their propaganda's in the streets, make songs including their beautiful names, printing fliers to give to the people. Some other politician, donate amount to a certain charity and use even children in the commercial in Television, they have the so called technique to fight, to win the vote of Filipino people.
In my own opinion, Politics is a form of having a position without knowing the responsibilities on how to be a good leader and a role model to our countrymen.
As what I’ve observed politics here in the Philippines is even worst than the other country, Politician want position or power to be well-known personalities in the country, Why should I say this: First, politicians must be a graduate of this, politicians must possess good deed to others, politician is strong and kind hearted man, politician should be transparent to the environment, politicians should be, should be, should be and so on…….. politicians should help some charities.
However, even Filipino people don’t even know how to choose the right leaders for them,, I also considered my self before when I was at my teenage life,, I just follow my parents if what or who’s candidate we want to vote,, what my parents told me is to vote this person, so I did… and were oblige of it.
Went back home in my hometown, I remember that I was an angel of a certain candidate, we are performers under his candidacy… so every time we went to other town of our province we have to perform a dance or song after the candidates states their propagandas on how they will manage the province if they vote him….
When I was here in Manila, I’ve been so transparent to each things happening in the country, I’ve also noticed that life in manila is worth challenging than my hometown… Manila is worst than what I‘ve expected…. I thought that manila is place where you could say ……….. It’s a place where I could be settled,
So the relationship of this to the leaders is ,,, How could they handle a government if they didn’t realized the very small things happening in the country,,,, When the politicians get their position after a few month they already forgot the promises, the good deeds that they were going to do if they win,, the good changes of the society,,, I’ve a lot of political candidates in television,, guess what if the only criteria to be elected in the government is the different right ups,,, propagandas, plan of each candidate,, 100% a lot of candidate will get the first slot of it.
Promises are said to be broken,,,,, Filipinos is already wasting time to listen and wait to those promises,, if they were good, there’s no Filipinos who are suffering poverty, no more street children, no people who are doing illegal to survive,, I’m not blaming to those officials who are in the position it just that I want to emphasize, if your not a good follower your not deserving to be one of the leaders of the society..
As a transparent person,, We can’t blame this only to politicians, we as an ordinary people of this country should start, the changes which were looking for a decades…. In a simple way we could be good leaders as well. How!!!!!!
• In school if you a president of the class or club in different subject. You have to know what are your responsibilities, how to handle your member, how to treat them as your followers and how to be respect by your classmate.
• At home,, if your parents is not around and you’re left by four siblings, even at your age you could gain respect from them, they will treat you as your parents.
• At the office, you have to know careful and work hard to gain respect as well from colleagues, even from Bosses.
• In the street, if you could help a person who really needs a help, if you could just keep your candy wrappers or cigarette buds, if you’re following streets rules.
• Listen to the others opinion or ideas cause not of the time that your opinion should be always impose.
• Never use people to be popular and to be well-known person.
• Don’t make a move if your not ready of its outcome..
• Decide what the right is and set aside the negative act.
These are only an example of becoming a good leader and yet this is only common and small things but its true….. I believe in the saying that,, a one big fire comes from a small one…..
I hope readers will like this small insight and feeling about what is going on right now in our country…..

Saturday, March 27, 2010

personal information

all readers of this blog .. it contains sensitive, feelings towards the environment, people and all my observation to the people surrounds me,,, i do love writing so i decide to create a blog,,, so i could wright what, how do i feel about everything...........